The Bluebonnet Brew-off will be judging all BJCP Beer, Mead, and Cider styles using the 2021 BJCP style guidelines. However, some BJCP categories have been split. This allows us to award medals in more than the standard 40 BJCP categories. The BJCP subcategory numbers are listed as one of the columns in this table.
Bluebonnet Brew-Off
Style to Medal Categories
Revised 1/19/2023
The 1/19/2023 change:
- Changed the Medal Category name for 61 from English and Irish Ale to British Bitter since it only had Bitters in it and no Irish styles.
The 10/31/2022 changes:
- The BJCP “Local” styles were added to the Bluebonnet’s medal categories. These are the X numbered styles in the back of the guidelines.
The 10/26/2022 changes:
- BJCP moved 27A1 Kellerbier from BJCP Amber Bitter European to BJCP Historic, no change for us, Still in T57 Amber Bitter Euro
- BJCP Added 21B7 Brut IPA, goes into our T73 Specialty IPA
- BJCP Added/changed name on New England IPA to 21C Hazy IPA, no change to us, stays in T74 Hazy and Experimental IPA
- BJCP moved 23G Gose from BJCP Historic to Euro Sour, No change for us, still T87 American Wild
- BJCP changed Trappist category name to Monastic, no change for us
- BJCP new 28D Straight Sour, goes in our T87 American Wild
- BJCP new 29D Grape Ale, goes in our T82 Fruit beer
- BJCP new 30D Specialty Spice beer (Spiced SHV), goes in our T83 SHV
- BJCP name change Clone beer to 34A Commercial Specialty Beer
The 7/2/2021 changes: We added the original 17A British Strong Ale back into Strong British Beer so now there is both British Strong Ale and Burton Ale. The description of Burton Ale is listed here: Burton Ale
Rearranged many of the medal categories to add additional medal categories based on entry count trends. Dropped New Entrant.
A note for table 85, Smoke and Wee. We acknowledge that the styles in that medal category seem oddly grouped together. The issue is we get so few entries for Smoke and Wee Heavy, we cannot justify giving either group their own Stein. We will have special procedures for table 85. All judging of the smoke group will occur separately than the Wee Heavy group. A minimum of three entries from the smoke group and three entries from the Wee Heavy group will go to the mini-BoS for the medals. Then it is up to the mini-BoS judges to pick the best three winners for the medal category. We know it is a compromise, but we believe it will work. We will evaluate this medal category following the event to see if we need to make changes.
2022 Mead and Cider entry limit changes
- Traditional Mead categories M1A, B, C require declaring specific varietal honeys to qualify for 2 entries in the same sub-category.
- Specialty categories of Mead and Cider, specialty ingredients must be distinctively different regardless of varietal honey/apple, strength, sweetness, or carbonation.
In the instance where an entrant submits 2 entries in the same base sub-category that are deemed to be the same, both entries WILL be disqualified and not judged. Please consult with the head judge (email) prior to entering if you have any questions or unsure if your entry qualifies as distinctively different especially if some of the same ingredients are used in both entries.
The 11/30/2019 change: We moved some styles around to eliminate low entered Medal Categories. We dropped the Hop Showcase Medal Category.
The 2/20/2019 change: Changed the BBO Table number to the values starting with 51. By starting the table numbers at 51, we do not have confusion with the BJCP Category numbers.
The 11/29/2018 change: The BJCP style of 17A will be judged as the Provisional style called Burton Ale. The description of Burton Ale is listed here: Burton Ale.
In the table below, an asterisk (*) after the name indicates styles that can have 2 entries in the competition.
Medal Cat Name | Table Number | BJCP Style Name | Style Number |
Pale Lager | 51 | American Light Lager | 1A |
Pale Lager | 51 | American Lager | 1B |
Pale Lager | 51 | International Pale Lager | 2A |
Light Ale | 52 | Cream Ale | 1C |
Light Ale | 52 | American Wheat Beer | 1D |
Light Ale | 52 | British Golden Ale | 12A |
Light Ale | 52 | Australian Sparkling Ale | 12B |
Pale Malty European Lager | 53 | Munich Helles | 4A |
Pale Malty European Lager | 53 | Festbier | 4B |
Pale Malty European Lager | 53 | Helles Bock | 4C |
Pale Bitter European Beer | 54 | Czech Pale Lager | 3A |
Pale Bitter European Beer | 54 | Czech Premium Pale Lager | 3B |
Pale Bitter European Beer | 54 | German Leichtbier | 5A |
Pale Bitter European Beer | 54 | German Helles Exportbier | 5C |
Pale Bitter European Beer | 54 | German Pils | 5D |
Pale Bitter European Beer | 54 | Historic Pre-Prohibition Lager | 27A6 |
Pale Bitter European Beer | 54 | New Zealand Pilsner | LSX5 |
Kolsch and Blonde | 55 | Kolsch | 5B |
Kolsch and Blonde | 55 | Blonde Ale | 18A |
Amber Malty European Lager | 56 | International Amber Lager | 2B |
Amber Malty European Lager | 56 | Marzen | 6A |
Amber Malty European Lager | 56 | Dunkles Bock | 6C |
Amber Bitter European Beer | 57 | Czech Amber Lager | 3C |
Amber Bitter European Beer | 57 | Vienna Lager | 7A |
Amber Bitter European Beer | 57 | Altbier | 7B |
Amber Bitter European Beer | 57 | Kellerbier | 27A1 |
Dark European Lager | 58 | International Dark Lager | 2C |
Dark European Lager | 58 | Czech Dark Lager | 3D |
Dark European Lager | 58 | Munich Dunkel | 8A |
Dark European Lager | 58 | Schwarzbier | 8B |
Strong European Beer | 59 | Doppelbock | 9A |
Strong European Beer | 59 | Eisbock | 9B |
Strong European Beer | 59 | Baltic Porter | 9C |
German Wheat Beer | 60 | Weissbier | 10A |
German Wheat Beer | 60 | Dunkles Weissbier | 10B |
German Wheat Beer | 60 | Weizenbock | 10C |
German Wheat Beer | 60 | Historic Roggenbier | 27A8 |
British Bitter | 61 | Ordinary Bitter | 11A |
British Bitter | 61 | Best Bitter | 11B |
Strong Pale English Beer | 62 | Strong Bitter | 11C |
Strong Pale English Beer | 62 | English IPA | 12C |
Brown British Beer | 63 | Dark Mild | 13A |
Brown British Beer | 63 | British Brown Ale | 13B |
Brown British Beer | 63 | Historic London Brown Ale | 27A4 |
Scottish and Irish Ale | 64 | Scottish Light | 14A |
Scottish and Irish Ale | 64 | Scottish Heavy | 14B |
Scottish and Irish Ale | 64 | Scottish Export | 14C |
Scottish and Irish Ale | 64 | Irish Red Ale | 15A |
Stout and Porter | 65 | English Porter | 13C |
Stout and Porter | 65 | Irish Stout | 15B |
Stout and Porter | 65 | Irish Extra Stout | 15C |
Stout and Porter | 65 | Foreign Extra Stout | 16D |
British Stout | 66 | Sweet Stout | 16A |
British Stout | 66 | Oatmeal Stout | 16B |
British Stout | 66 | Tropical Stout | 16C |
Strong British Ale | 67 | British Strong Ale | 17A |
Strong British Ale | 67 | Burton Ale | 17A1 |
Strong British Ale | 67 | Old Ale | 17B |
Strong British Ale | 67 | English Barleywine | 17D |
Pale American Ale | 68 | American Pale Ale | 18B |
Pale American Ale | 68 | Dorada Pampeana | LSX1 |
Amber And Brown American Beer | 69 | American Amber Ale | 19A |
Amber And Brown American Beer | 69 | California Common | 19B |
Amber And Brown American Beer | 69 | American Brown Ale | 19C |
Amber And Brown American Beer | 69 | Historic Kentucky Common | 27A2 |
Amber And Brown American Beer | 69 | Historic Pre-Prohibition Porter | 27A7 |
American Porter And Stout | 70 | American Porter | 20A |
American Porter And Stout | 70 | American Stout | 20B |
Imperial Stout | 71 | Imperial Stout | 20C |
American IPA | 72 | American IPA | 21A |
Specialty IPA | 73 | Belgian IPA | 21B1 |
Specialty IPA | 73 | Black IPA | 21B2 |
Specialty IPA | 73 | Brown IPA | 21B3 |
Specialty IPA | 73 | Red IPA | 21B4 |
Specialty IPA | 73 | Rye IPA | 21B5 |
Specialty IPA | 73 | White IPA | 21B6 |
Specialty IPA | 73 | Brut IPA | 21B7 |
Specialty IPA | 73 | IPA Argenta | LSX2 |
Hazy and Experimental IPA | 74 | Specialty IPA | 21B |
Hazy and Experimental IPA | 74 | Hazy IPA | 21C |
Strong American Ale | 75 | Double IPA | 22A |
Strong American Ale | 75 | American Strong Ale | 22B |
Strong American Ale | 75 | American Barleywine | 22C |
Strong American Ale | 75 | Wheatwine | 22D |
European Sour Ale | 76 | Berliner Weisse | 23A |
European Sour Ale | 76 | Flanders Red Ale | 23B |
European Sour Ale | 76 | Oud Bruin | 23C |
European Sour Ale | 76 | Lambic | 23D |
European Sour Ale | 76 | Gueuze | 23E |
European Sour Ale | 76 | Fruit Lambic | 23F |
Belgian Ale | 77 | Witbier | 24A |
Belgian Ale | 77 | Belgian Pale Ale | 24B |
Belgian Ale | 77 | Biere De Garde | 24C |
Belgian Blonde and Single | 78 | Belgian Blond Ale | 25A |
Belgian Blonde and Single | 78 | Belgian Single | 26A |
Saison | 79 | Saison | 25B |
Strong Light Belgian Ale | 80 | Belgian Golden Strong Ale | 25C |
Strong Light Belgian Ale | 80 | Belgian Tripel | 26C |
Strong Dark Belgian Ale | 81 | Belgian Dubbel | 26B |
Strong Dark Belgian Ale | 81 | Belgian Dark Strong Ale | 26D |
Fruit Beer | 82 | Fruit Beer | 29A |
Fruit Beer | 82 | Fruit And Spice Beer | 29B |
Fruit Beer | 82 | Specialty Fruit Beer | 29C |
Fruit Beer | 82 | Grape Ale | 29D |
Fruit Beer | 82 | Italian Grape Ale | LSX3 |
Spice Herb Vegetable Beer | 83 | Spice Herb Vegetable Beer | 30A |
Spice Herb Vegetable Beer | 83 | Specialty Spice Beer | 30D |
Autumn Winter Seasonal | 84 | Autumn Seasonal Beer | 30B |
Autumn Winter Seasonal | 84 | Winter Seasonal Beer | 30C |
Wee Heavy and Smoke | 85 | Rauchbier | 6B |
Wee Heavy and Smoke | 85 | Wee Heavy | 17C |
Wee Heavy and Smoke | 85 | Classic Style Smoked Beer | 32A |
Wee Heavy and Smoke | 85 | Specialty Smoked Beer | 32B |
Wood Aged Beer | 86 | Wood Aged Beer | 33A |
Wood Aged Beer | 86 | Specialty Wood Aged Beer | 33B |
American Wild Ale | 87 | Gose | 23G |
American Wild Ale | 87 | Brett Beer | 28A |
American Wild Ale | 87 | Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer | 28B |
American Wild Ale | 87 | Wild Specialty Beer | 28C |
American Wild Ale | 87 | Straight Sour Beer | 28D |
American Wild Ale | 87 | Catharina Sour | LSX4 |
Specialty Beer | 88 | Historical Beer | 27A |
Specialty Beer | 88 | Historic Piwo Grodziskie | 27A5 |
Specialty Beer | 88 | Historic Lichtenhainer | 27A3 |
Specialty Beer | 88 | Historic Sahti | 27A9 |
Specialty Beer | 88 | Alternative Grain Beer | 31A |
Specialty Beer | 88 | Alternative Sugar Beer | 31B |
Specialty Beer | 88 | Commercial Specialty Beer | 34A |
Specialty Beer | 88 | Mixed Style Beer | 34B |
Specialty Beer | 88 | Experimental Beer | 34C |
Traditional Mead | 89 | Dry Mead * | M1A |
Traditional Mead | 89 | Semi Sweet Mead * | M1B |
Traditional Mead | 89 | Sweet Mead * | M1C |
Melomel | 90 | Cyser | M2A |
Melomel | 90 | Pyment * | M2B |
Melomel | 90 | Berry Mead * | M2C |
Melomel | 90 | Stone Fruit Mead * | M2D |
Melomel | 90 | Melomel * | M2E |
Spiced And Specialty Mead | 91 | Fruit And Spice Mead * | M3A |
Spiced And Specialty Mead | 91 | Spice Herb Vegetable Mead * | M3B |
Spiced And Specialty Mead | 91 | Braggot * | M4A |
Spiced And Specialty Mead | 91 | Historical Mead | M4B |
Spiced And Specialty Mead | 91 | Experimental Mead | M4C |
Cider And Perry | 92 | New World Cider | C1A |
Cider And Perry | 92 | English Cider | C1B |
Cider And Perry | 92 | French Cider | C1C |
Cider And Perry | 92 | New World Perry | C1D |
Cider And Perry | 92 | Traditional Perry | C1E |
Specialty Cider And Perry | 93 | New England Cider | C2A |
Specialty Cider And Perry | 93 | Cider With Other Fruit * | C2B |
Specialty Cider And Perry | 93 | Apple Wine | C2C |
Specialty Cider And Perry | 93 | Ice Cider | C2D |
Specialty Cider And Perry | 93 | Cider With Herbs/Spices * | C2E |
Specialty Cider And Perry | 93 | Specialty Cider/Perry * | C2F |