2016 Bluebonnet Brew-Off Awards
Best Of Show – Beer
Place | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Grant Chandler | Central Arkansas Fermenters |
2nd | Brian Schoolcraft | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Nigel Curtis | Cap and Hare |
Best Of Show – Mead & Cider
Place | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Jeff Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
Team Home Brewers of the Year
Place | Team | Brewers | Club |
1st | Ancient Goat Hunters | Sean Vreeland & Mike Treadway | Cap and Hare |
Home Brewer of the Year
Place | Brewer | Club |
1st | Jeff Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
2nd | Derek Jones | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Chris Stancliff | Barley Coherent |
Glen Mueller- Frank Brown Quality Award
Club of the Year
Place | Club |
1st | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Foam Rangers |
3rd | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
Rabbit Hole Brewing Pro-AM
Brian Schoolcraft | BARKING SPIDER EISBOCK | Strong European Beer | Cap and Hare |
Homebrew Showcase People’s Choice
Place | Brewer | Club |
1st | Jeramie Sivley | Big Country Homebrewers |
2nd | Brandon Jones | Red Earth Brewers |
3rd | Nicholas & Jeff | Draft Punk |
Table 1: Pale Lager
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Hank Keller | Foam Rangers |
2nd | Hank Keller | Foam Rangers |
3rd | Joseph & Keya | NTHBA |
Table 2: Light American Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Mark Peterson | Arizona Society of Homebrewers |
2nd | Keith Wright | BEER MAFIA! |
3rd | Dave & Michele | BEER MAFIA! |
Table 3: Kolsch
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Stacy Myers | Horsemen of the Hopocalypse |
2nd | Cory Marx | Foam Rangers |
3rd | Weston Sampson | Independent |
Table 4: Pale Malty European Lager
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Skott & Bryan | Independent |
2nd | Mark Schoppe | Austin Zealots |
3rd | Jeff Poirot | Draft Punk |
HM | Johnnie Latham | Cap and Hare Homebrew Club |
Table 5: Pale Bitter European Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Gavin Convey | Independent |
2nd | Phil & Justin | Independent |
3rd | Henrik Engert | Texas Carboys |
Table 6: Amber Malty European Lager
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Jesse Thoresen | North Texas Home Brewers Association |
2nd | David Johnson | Yeasty Boys |
3rd | Ronnie Lawson | Austin Zealots |
HM | David & Lloyd | North Texas Home Brewers Association |
Table 7: Amber Bitter European Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Ricardo Fritzsche | Austin Zealot |
2nd | Jon Goff | Barley Coherent |
3rd | Gavin Convey | Independent |
Table 8: Dark European Lager
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Chris Stancliff | Barley Coherent |
2nd | Keith Wright | BEER MAFIA! |
3rd | Jeff & Nicholas | Draft Punk |
HM | Jeff & Nicholas | Draft Punk |
Table 9: Strong European Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Brian Schoolcraft | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Jason Barker | Oregon Brew Crew |
3rd | Greg Etzel | Cap and Hare |
Table 10: German Wheat Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Nathan Weber | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Mike & Sean | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Donnie Franklin | Mashrunners |
HM | Brenden Stubblefield | Cap and Hare |
Table 11: British Bitter
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Cody Gray | Independent |
2nd | Ricardo Fritzsche | Austin Zealots |
3rd | Richard Ward | Dallas Homebrew Collective |
Table 12: Strong Bitter
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Nigel Curtis | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Chris Duehning | Independent |
3rd | Matthew Cogburn | Big Country Homebrewers |
Table 13: Pale Commonwealth Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Mike & Sean | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Jeff Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
3rd | Robert Kessler | Barley Coherent |
Table 14: Brown British Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Sean McCanne | Red Earth Brewers |
2nd | Matthew Linnenburger | NTHBA |
3rd | Ricardo Fritzsche | Austin Zealots |
Table 15: Scottish Ale
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | David Knox | Knights of the Brown Bottle |
2nd | Matthew Linnenburger | NTHBA |
3rd | Benson Ledbetter | Foam Rangers |
Table 16: Irish Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Noel Hart | Foam Rangers |
2nd | Pete Train | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
3rd | Eric Briggs | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
Table 17: Dark British Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Mike & Sean | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Ronnie Lawson | Austin Zealots |
3rd | Sean McCanne | Red Earth Brewers |
Table 18: Strong British Ale
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Michael Grover | NTHBA |
2nd | Jeff Reilly | Foam Rangers |
3rd | Noel Hart | Foam Rangers |
HM | Jeff Reilly | Foam Rangers |
Table 19: Pale American Ale
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Mike & Sean | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Chris Stancliff | Barley Coherent |
3rd | Cameron Allahverdi | Draft Punk |
Table 20: Amber And Brown American Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Dave & Michele | BEER MAFIA! |
2nd | Sean McCanne | Red Earth Brewers |
3rd | AJ Crowell | Red Earth Brewers |
HM | Peter Hemminsen | Independent |
Table 21: American Porter And Stout
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Trey Watters | Austin Zealots |
2nd | Jarod Rehkemper | Independent |
3rd | Jeff Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
HM | Dave & Michele | BEER MAFIA! |
Table 22: Imperial Stout
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Karl King | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Noel Hart | Foam Rangers |
3rd | Carson Langley | Escambia Bay Homebrewers |
Table 23: American IPA
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Derek Jones | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Randy Grogan | Independent |
3rd | Steven Franks | Independent |
Table 24: Specialty IPA
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Danny Kocurek | Knights of the Brown Bottle |
2nd | Chris Stancliff | Barley Coherent |
3rd | Cameron & Nicholas | Draft Punk |
Table 25: Strong American Ale
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Robert Brown Jr. | Foam Rangers |
2nd | Derek Jones | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Derek Jones | Cap and Hare |
HM | Charles Smithson | Barley Coherent |
Table 26: European Sour Ale
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Barrett Tillman | NTHBA |
2nd | Jason Lamoreux | Awesome Brewers, Great Job! |
3rd | Cody Gray | Independent |
Table 27: Belgian Ale
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Mark Petterson | Arizona Society of Hombrewers |
2nd | Antony Gachima | NTHBA |
3rd | Mason MacPhail | Dallas Homebrew Collective |
Table 28: Strong Belgian Ale
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Matt Conner | Red Earth Brewers |
2nd | Barrett Tillman | NTHBA |
3rd | Eric & Kyle | Foam Rangers |
Table 29: Saison
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Clay & Amber | Independent |
2nd | Derek Jones | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Gail & Bob | Red Earth Brewers |
Table 30: Trappist Ale
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Weston & Nancy | Independent |
2nd | Doug Grissom | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Andrew Barker | Independent |
Table 31: Fruit Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Sean & Mike | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Brad & Jamison | Knights of the Brown Bottle |
3rd | David Knox | Knights of the Brown Bottle |
Table 32: Spice Herb Vegetable Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Clint, Joe, John & Rob | Cap and Hare |
2nd | Ed Moore | Foam Rangers |
3rd | Greg, Ed & Eric | Mox Nix |
Table 33: Seasonal Spiced Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Mike Sorrels | Mashrunners |
2nd | Jeff & Nicholas | Draft Punk |
3rd | Walter Hodges | NTHBA |
HM | Matthew Cogburn | Big Country Homebrewers |
Table 34: Smoked Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Andy Behr | Foam Rangers |
2nd | Steven Brown | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Dave & Michele | BEER MAFIA! |
Table 35: Wood Aged Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Larry Combs | Independent |
2nd | Brenden Stubblefield | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Eric & Kyle | Foam Rangers |
Table 36: American Wild Ale
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Dunbar, Grant & Will | Central Arkansas Fermenters |
2nd | Adam Blackard | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Derek Jones | Cap and Hare |
HM | David & Jenna | NTHBA |
Table 37: Alternative Fermentables
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Clif Ellis | Independent |
2nd | Andy Behr | Foam Rangers |
3rd | Nigel Curtis | Cap and Hare |
Table 38: Specialty Beer
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Zach Ragsdale | Cap and Hare |
2nd | William Lawrence | NTHBA |
3rd | Bob & Rick | Cap and Hare |
Table 39: Traditional Mead
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Jeff Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
2nd | Cindy Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
3rd | Mark Schoppe | Austin Zealots |
Table 40: Melomel
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Jeff Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
2nd | Jeff Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
3rd | James Lallande | Cap and Hare |
HM | James Lallande | Cap and Hare |
Table 41: Spiced And Specialty Mead
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Mark Schoppe | Austin Zealots |
2nd | Donna Renard | BEER MAFIA! |
3rd | Barrett Tillman | NTHBA |
Table 42: Cider And Perry
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Cindy Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
2nd | Cody Gray | Independent |
3rd | Mike Sorrels | Mashrunners |
Table 43: Specialty Cider And Perry
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Mashrunners | Cane Island Alers (CIA) |
2nd | Jeff Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
3rd | Jeff Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
HM | Cindy Oberlin | Bay Area Mashtronauts |
Table 44: Bluebonnet New Entrant
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Case Johnson | Independent |
2nd | Aaron Edrington | Independent |
3rd | David Kasselman | Big Country Homebrewers |
HM | Nathan Weber | Cap and Hare |
Table 45: Bluebonnet Hop Specialty
Pl. | Brewer(s) | Club |
1st | Danny Kocurek | Knights of the Brown Bottle |
2nd | Mark Grimes | Cap and Hare |
3rd | Jimmy, Walter & Brian | NTHBA |