A note from the director for 2017:
Welcome to the 31st Bluebonnet Brew-off!
This year the Bluebonnet moves back to a hotel location. We are thankful for the Irving Convention Center and their support. The event will be held at the Sheraton DFW Airport Hotel located at 4440 W John Carpenter Fwy, Irving, TX 75063.
We are presenting a new format this year that separates the two Friday tasting events into Friday and Saturday celebrations. Friday evening will showcase Local and Regional Professional Brewers and their offerings. Saturday, we will showcase the Local and Regional Homebrew Clubs and their offerings; homebrewers are encouraged to re-brew a winning beer from last year’s Bluebonnet or bring one that was entered this year, as we will have special recognition for these brewers.
The 2017 Bluebonnet speaker comes to us not from a Brewery but a Meadery. Michael Fairbrother of Moonlight Mead in Londonderry, New Hampshire will join us to tell his story, share mead, mead making, and high gravity brewing. In addition to an accomplished meadmaker, Michael was first a homebrewer and is a BJCP National Ranked Judge.
Additional details about the competition, event, and judging can be found on this site.
I look forward to meeting all of you, and hope each and every one of you have an enjoyable experience at the 2017 Bluebonnet Brew Off.
If you have any questions, please email me at director@bluebonnetbrewoff.org.
James Lallande